Kasteel van Laarne
Plan your visit


Kasteel van Laarne
Eekhoekstraat 5
9270 Laarne
+32 (0)9 230 91 55

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Opening hours

  • Summer holiday (1 July - 01 September): daily from 13.00 - 17.00 (except on Saturdays)
  • School groups and other group visits on request


Laarne Castle is a historic building without any elevators. This means that only the ground floor (the Great Hall, the Knights' Hall, the Gallery, the Small Drawing Room, the Great Dining Room, and the Vestibule) and the courtyard are accessible to wheelchair users. However, you can discover the entire castle via the movie guide WITCHES! and a digital application that offers a virtual castle tour. This way everyone can experience the beauty of Laarne Castle. It is also possible to book an adapted guided tour for wheelchair users.

The accessible toilets are located in the restaurant. You can find another spacious, downstairs toilet in the annexe. Please approach our volunteers if you need any assistance, they are happy to help!

Please contact us in advance if you have a visual impairment: our volunteers are trained to guide you through the castle and can help you make the most of your visit. We can also send you the texts from the information panels in the different rooms prior to your visit. Naturally, the movie guide WITCHES! can be enjoyed as an audio guide. There is also a realistic 3D model of the castle which has different textures that indicate in which century a specific part of the castle was built. This large scale 3D print is incredibly detailed and truly one of a kind!

Visitors who have a hearing impairment can discover the history of the castle via the information panels in the rooms. We are currently working on subtitles for the movie guide WITCHES!, so that everyone will be able to enjoy it. We look forward to sharing the subtitled version very soon.